Changing a Subscription's SKU on the My Product Subscriptions page

The Subscribe Pro extension includes a controller action that allows allows the SKU associated with a subscription to be changed on the My Product Subscriptions page.


By default, because the options for implementation may vary from site to site, the ability to change the SKU on that page is not built into the extension's template. Instead, below is the source code of a modified version of two of controllers' template files, which include an example implementation of this feature. In this example, there are hard-coded example SKUs that tell the script which products customers should be able to change, so implementation will require at least some minor tweaks.

Source Code (Template Files)


 * Subscribe Pro - Subscriptions Management Extension
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to commercial source code license of SUBSCRIBE PRO INC.
 * @category  SFC
 * @package   SFC_Autoship
 * @author    Garth Brantley <[email protected]>
 * @author    Dennis Rogers <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2009-2014 SUBSCRIBE PRO INC. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license Subscribe Pro Terms of Service
 * @link
<div class="page-title">
    <h1><?php echo $this->__("My Product Subscriptions") ?></h1>

<div id="mysubscriptions">
if($this->getNextOrderDateMode() != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES
    && count($this->getActiveSubscriptions())):
    $activeSubscriptions = $this->getActiveSubscriptions();
    $firstSubscription = $activeSubscriptions[0];
    <div class="subscription-more-details" id="all-subscriptions-details">
        <form id="all-subscriptions-date-form" class="all-subscriptions-date-form" action="<?php echo Mage::getUrl('autoship/mysubscriptions/change', array('_secure' => true)) ?>">
            <input type="hidden" name="id" id="subscription_id"
            <p><?php echo $this->__("Next Ship Date:") ?></p>
            <div class="input-box">
                <input type="text" id="delivery_date"
                   value="<?php echo $firstSubscription->getNextOrderDateText() ?>"
                   title="<?php echo $this->__('Next Ship Date:') ?>" class="input-text delivery_date"/>
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        <div class="clearer"></div>
<?php endif; ?>

<div class="active-subscriptions">
    <?php foreach($this->getActiveSubscriptions() as $subscription): ?>
        <div class="subscription-block">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
            ->toHtml() ?>
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<div class="inactive-subscriptions">
    <?php foreach($this->getInactiveSubscriptions() as $subscription): ?>
        <div class="subscription-block">
        <?php echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
    <?php endforeach; ?>
<span class="please-wait" id="please-wait" style="display:none;">
    <img src="<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/opc-ajax-loader.gif') ?>" alt="<?php echo $this->__('Updating...') ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Updating...') ?>" class="v-middle" /> <?php echo $this->__('Updating...') ?>
<div class="buttons-set">
    <p class="back-link"><a href="<?php echo Mage::getUrl('customer/account/'); ?>"><small>&#171;</small> <?php echo $this->__("Back") ?></a></p>

<script type="text/javascript">
    var regionsJson =
        <?php echo $this->helper('directory')->getRegionJson() ?>
    <?php if ($this->getNextOrderDateMode() == SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES): ?>
    var editMultipleSubscriptions = false;
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php if ($this->getNextOrderDateMode() != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES): ?>
    $j(function () {
            minDate: 2,
            showOn: "button",
            buttonImage: "<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/autoship/calendar_icon.png')?>",
            buttonImageOnly: true,
            buttonText: "Click to change date.",
            dateFormat: "mm/dd/y",
            onSelect: function () {
                var form = $j(this).closest("form");
    var editMultipleSubscriptions = true;
    <?php endif; ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
        var changeSkuUrl = '<?php echo Mage::getUrl('autoship/mysubscriptions/changeSku', array('_secure' => true)) ?>';
        jQuery(document).on("change", ".product_sku", function(){
            var form = jQuery(this).closest("form");
            jQuery(".subscription-block .messages").html("");
            var data = {
                id: form.find("input[name='id']").val(),
                product_sku: jQuery(this).val()
            $, data, function(transport){
                } else {


 * Subscribe Pro - Subscriptions Management Extension
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to commercial source code license of SUBSCRIBE PRO INC.
 * @category  SFC
 * @package   SFC_Autoship
 * @author    Garth Brantley <[email protected]>
 * @author    Dennis Rogers <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2009-2014 SUBSCRIBE PRO INC. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license Subscribe Pro Terms of Service
 * @link
$subscription = $this->getSubscription();
$platformProduct = $subscription->getPlatformProduct();
$qty = $subscription->getQty();
$intervals = $this->getIntervals();
<div class="subscription-info">
    <form class="interval" action="<?php echo Mage::getUrl('autoship/mysubscriptions/change', array('_secure' => true)) ?>">
        <?php if ($this->getNextOrderDateMode() == SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES): ?>
            <p><?php echo $this->__("Next Ship Date:") ?></p>
            <?php if ($subscription->getStatus() == 'Active' && $subscription->getNextOrderDate() >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+2 days'))
            ): ?>
                <?php // Only allow change of next ship date if its more than 2 days in the future ?>
                <div class="input-box">
                    <input type="text" id="delivery_date_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>"
                           value="<?php echo $subscription->getNextOrderDateText() ?>"
                           title="<?php echo $this->__('Next Ship Date:') ?>" class="input-text delivery_date"/>
            elseif ($subscription->getStatus() == 'Active' && $subscription->getNextOrderDate() < date('Y-m-d', strtotime('+2 days'))
            ): ?>
                <p><span class="next-order-date"><strong><?php echo $subscription->getNextOrderDateText() ?></strong></span></p>
            else: ?>
                <p><span class="next-order-date"><strong><?php echo $this->__('n/a') ?></strong></span></p>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
        <?php if ($subscription->getStatus() == 'Active' || $subscription->getStatus() == 'Failed' || $subscription->getStatus() == 'Retry'): ?>
                <input type="hidden" name="id" id="subscription_id_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>"
                       value="<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>"/>
                <select id="delivery_qty_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>"
                        name="delivery_qty" class="delivery_qty" title="Quantity">
                    <?php if ($qty < $platformProduct->getMinQty()): ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $qty ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $qty ?></option>
                    <?php endif; ?>
                    <?php for ($i = $platformProduct->getMinQty(); $i <= $platformProduct->getMaxQty(); $i++): ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $i ?>"
                                <?php if ($qty == $i): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $i ?></option>
                    <?php endfor; ?>
                    <?php if ($qty > $platformProduct->getMaxQty()): ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $qty ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $qty ?></option>
                    <?php endif; ?>
                <?php echo $this->__("unit(s) every") ?>
                <select id="delivery_interval_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>"
                        name="delivery_interval" class="delivery_interval" title="Delivery Interval">
                    <?php foreach ($intervals as $interval): ?>
                        <option value="<?php echo $interval ?>" <?php if ($interval ==
                        $subscription->getInterval()): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $interval ?></option>
                    <?php endforeach; ?>
            /** @var Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $product */
            $product = $subscription->getProduct();
            //Skus of products that can have their subscriptions changed
            $changeProducts = array('msj006c-Royal Blue-M', 'msj006c-Red-M');
            <?php if (in_array($product->getSku(), $changeProducts)): ?>
                    <?php echo $this->__("Product") ?><br/>
                    <select name="product_sku" id="product_sku_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>" class="product_sku">
                        <option value="<?php echo $product->getSku() ?>" selected="selected"><?php echo $product->getName() ?></option>
                        /** @var Mage_Catalog_Model_Product $related_product */
                        foreach ($changeProducts as $changeSku): ?>
                            //Skip if this is the currently selected product
                            if ($changeSku == $product->getSku()) {
                            //Load the other products
                            $changeProduct = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->loadByAttribute('sku', $changeSku);
                            //Print the sku as the value, and the name as the label
                            <option value="<?php echo $changeProduct->getSku() ?>"><?php echo $changeProduct->getName() ?></option>
                        <?php endforeach; ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
        <?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($this->getNextOrderDateMode() == SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES): ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
    jQuery(function () {
        jQuery("#delivery_date_<?php echo $subscription->getSubscriptionId() ?>").datepicker({
            minDate: 2,
            showOn: "button",
            buttonImage: "<?php echo $this->getSkinUrl('images/autoship/calendar_icon.png')?>",
            buttonImageOnly: true,
            buttonText: "Click to change date.",
            dateFormat: "mm/dd/y",
            onSelect: function () {
                var form = jQuery(this).closest("form");
<?php endif; ?>

Extension Versions and earlier

Older versions of the extension ( and earlier) do not include the controller action, so to take advantage of this feature, you will need to either update to the newest version available in the Subscribe Pro Merchant App, under System -> Software Download, or overwrite your current controller file with the updated version.

Source Code (Controller)


 * Subscribe Pro - Subscriptions Management Extension
 * PHP version 5
 * LICENSE: This source file is subject to commercial source code license of SUBSCRIBE PRO INC.
 * @category  SFC
 * @package   SFC_Autoship
 * @author    Garth Brantley <[email protected]>
 * @author    Dennis Rogers <[email protected]>
 * @copyright 2009-2014 SUBSCRIBE PRO INC. All Rights Reserved.
 * @license Subscribe Pro Terms of Service
 * @link

 * Controller to handle the My Subscriptions page in the customer account dashboard section of the frontend
class SFC_Autoship_MysubscriptionsController extends Mage_Core_Controller_Front_Action
     * Authenticate customer
    public function preDispatch()
        // Require logged in customer
        if (!Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->authenticate($this)) {
            $this->setFlag('', 'no-dispatch', true);
        // Check if extension enabled
        if (Mage::getStoreConfig('autoship_general/general/enabled') != '1') {
            // Send customer to 404 page

     * Customer Dashboard - My Product Subscriptions page
    public function indexAction()
        // Load layout from XML

        // Set page title for this page
        $this->getLayout()->getBlock('head')->setTitle($this->__('My Subscriptions'));

        // Render the layout

     * Update interval, qty or next order date action
    public function changeAction()
        try {
            // Get POST data
            $postData = $this->validateChangePostData();

            // Get customer
            $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
            // Call platform to get subscription(s)
            if($postData['subscription_id'] == 'all_active') {
                $subscriptions = Mage::helper('autoship/platform')->getSubscriptions(
                        'status' => 'Active',
                $firstSubscription = $subscriptions[0];
            else {
                $firstSubscription = Mage::helper('autoship/platform')->getSubscription($postData['subscription_id']);
                $subscriptions[] = $firstSubscription;
                // Modify qty, interval
                if (isset($postData['interval'])) {
                if (isset($postData['qty'])) {

            // Modify next order date
            if (isset($postData['delivery_date'])) {
                foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
            // Send changes to platform
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                $newSubscriptionId = Mage::helper('autoship/platform')->updateSubscription($subscription->getSubscriptionId(), $subscription);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            if($postData['subscription_id'] == 'all_active') {
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions')
            else {
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

    public function changeSkuAction()
        try {
            $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();

            if (isset($data['product_sku']) && strlen($data['product_sku'])) {
                //Ensure we have a valid product that is active for subscriptions
                $product = Mage::getModel("catalog/product")->loadByAttribute('sku', $data['product_sku']);
                if ($product->getId() && $product->getData('subscription_enabled')) {
                    $data['product_id'] = $product->getId();
                } else {
                    Mage::throwException($this->__("Please supply a valid product sku enabled for subscriptions."));

            if (isset($data['id'])) {
                $data['subscription_id'] = $data['id'];

            if (!isset($data['subscription_id'])) {
                Mage::throwException($this->__("Please supply a valid subscription id."));
            $subscription = Mage::helper("autoship/platform")->getSubscription($data['subscription_id']);

            //Update the SKU data

            //Update the subscription
            Mage::helper('autoship/platform')->updateSubscription($subscription->getSubscriptionId(), $subscription);

            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        } Catch (Exception $e) {

     * Retrieve post data for changeAction and validate it
    protected function validateChangePostData()
        $data = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
        if (!is_array($data)) {
            Mage::throwException('Failed to process POST data!');
        // Validate POST data and return in array
        $validatedPostData = array();
        if (isset($data['id']) && strlen($data['id'])) {
            $validatedPostData['subscription_id'] = $data['id'];
        if (isset($data['delivery_qty']) && strlen($data['delivery_qty'])) {
            if (!is_numeric($data['delivery_qty'])) {
                Mage::throwException('Please specify a numeric value for subscription quantity!');
            $validatedPostData['qty'] = $data['delivery_qty'];
        if (isset($data['delivery_interval']) && strlen($data['delivery_interval'])) {
            $validatedPostData['interval'] = $data['delivery_interval'];
        if (isset($data['delivery_date']) && strlen($data['delivery_date'])) {
            $validatedPostData['delivery_date'] = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($data['delivery_date']));
        if (isset($data['shipping_address_id']) && strlen($data['shipping_address_id'])) {
            if (is_numeric($data['shipping_address_id'])) {
                $validatedPostData['shipping_address_id'] = $data['shipping_address_id'];
        if (isset($data['billing_address_id']) && strlen($data['billing_address_id'])) {
            if (is_numeric($data['billing_address_id'])) {
                $validatedPostData['billing_address_id'] = $data['billing_address_id'];
        if (isset($data['payment']) && is_array($data['payment'])) {
            $validatedPostData['payment'] = $data['payment'];
        if (isset($data['shipping']) && is_array($data['shipping'])) {
            $validatedPostData['shipping'] = $data['shipping'];
        if (isset($data['billing']) && is_array($data['billing'])) {
            $validatedPostData['billing'] = $data['billing'];

        // Return validate POST data
        return $validatedPostData;

     * Save payment method action
    public function paymentsaveAction()
        try {
            /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
            $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
            // Get config setting
            $nextOrderDateMode = Mage::getStoreConfig('autoship_subscription/options/next_order_date_mode');
            // Get customer
            $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
            // Get POST data
            $postData = $this->validateChangePostData();
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                $subscriptions = $platformHelper->getSubscriptions(
                        'status' => 'Active',
                $firstSubscription = $subscriptions[0];
            else {
                $firstSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($postData['subscription_id']);
                $subscriptions[] = $firstSubscription;

            // Get payment POST data
            $data = $postData['payment'];
            // switched saved card
            if ($data['method'] != 'new_cc') {
                $paymentToken = $data['method'];
                $creditcardLastDigits = $data['creditcard_last_digits'][$data['method']];
            else {
                // Create and save new profile to CIM and DB
                $result = $this->createNewPaymentProfile($firstSubscription, $data);
                $paymentToken = $result['payment_token'];
                $creditcardLastDigits = $result['creditcard_last_digits'];
            // Now set profile id on subscription
            // Set shipping address on subscriptions
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                $subscription->setData('payment_method_code', $platformHelper->getConfiguredPaymentMethodCode());
                $subscription->setData('payment_token', $paymentToken);
                $subscription->setData('customer_cardnumber', $creditcardLastDigits);
                $subscription->setData('creditcard_last_digits', $creditcardLastDigits);

            // Send changes to platform
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                $newSubscriptionId = $platformHelper->updateSubscription($subscription->getSubscriptionId(), $subscription);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions')
            else {
                // Re-fetch subscription from platform
                $updatedSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($newSubscriptionId);
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Save shipping address action
    public function shippingsaveAction()
        try {
            /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
            $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
            // Get config setting
            $nextOrderDateMode = Mage::getStoreConfig('autoship_subscription/options/next_order_date_mode');
            // Get customer
            $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
            // Get POST data
            $postData = $this->validateChangePostData();
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                $subscriptions = $platformHelper->getSubscriptions(
                        'status' => 'Active',
                $firstSubscription = $subscriptions[0];
            else {
                $firstSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($postData['subscription_id']);
                $subscriptions[] = $firstSubscription;

            if (!empty($postData['shipping_address_id'])) {
                // change saved address
                $addressId = $postData['shipping_address_id'];
            else {
                // add new address
                $addressId = $this->saveAddress($postData['shipping']);
            if (!is_numeric($addressId)) {
                Mage::throwException('Failed to save address!');
            // Set shipping address on subscriptions
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {

            // Send changes to platform
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                $newSubscriptionId = Mage::helper('autoship/platform')->updateSubscription($subscription->getSubscriptionId(), $subscription);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions')
            else {
                // Re-fetch subscription from platform
                $updatedSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($newSubscriptionId);
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Save billing address action
    public function billingsaveAction()
        try {
            /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
            $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
            // Get config setting
            $nextOrderDateMode = Mage::getStoreConfig('autoship_subscription/options/next_order_date_mode');
            // Get customer
            $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
            // Get POST data
            $postData = $this->validateChangePostData();
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                $subscriptions = $platformHelper->getSubscriptions(
                        'status' => 'Active',
                $firstSubscription = $subscriptions[0];
            else {
                $firstSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($postData['subscription_id']);
                $subscriptions[] = $firstSubscription;

            if (!empty($postData['billing_address_id'])) {
                // change saved address
                $addressId = $postData['billing_address_id'];
            else {
                // add new address
                $addressId = $this->saveAddress($postData['billing']);
            if (!is_numeric($addressId)) {
                Mage::throwException('Failed to save address!');
            // Set billing_address_id address on subscriptions
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {

            // Send changes to platform
            foreach($subscriptions as $subscription) {
                $newSubscriptionId = $platformHelper->updateSubscription($subscription->getSubscriptionId(), $subscription);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            if($nextOrderDateMode != SFC_Autoship_Model_System_Config_Source_Nextorderdatemode::MODE_MULTIPLE_DATES) {
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions')
            else {
                // Re-fetch subscription from platform
                $updatedSubscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($newSubscriptionId);
                // Output subscription block for this subscription only
                echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')

        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Skip the next delivery action
    public function skipAction()
        /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
        $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
        try {
            // Get subscription id from request
            $subscriptionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
            // Call API to delete subscription
            // Now call platform to get subscription again
            $subscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($subscriptionId);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Cancel subscription action
    public function cancelAction()
        /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
        $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
        try {
            // Get subscription id from request
            $subscriptionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
            // Call API to delete subscription
            // Now call platform to get subscription again
            $subscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($subscriptionId);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Pause subscription action
    public function pauseAction()
        /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
        $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
        try {
            // Get subscription id from request
            $subscriptionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
            // Call API to delete subscription
            // Now call platform to get subscription again
            $subscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($subscriptionId);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Restart subscription action
    public function restartAction()
        /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $platformHelper */
        $platformHelper = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');
        try {
            // Get subscription id from request
            $subscriptionId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
            // Call API to delete subscription
            // Now call platform to get subscription again
            $subscription = $platformHelper->getSubscription($subscriptionId);
            // Return the rendered html for this new subscription state
            echo $this->getLayout()->createBlock('autoship/mysubscriptions_subscription')
        catch (Exception $e) {

     * Create a new gateway payment profile in Magento DB and on gateway
     * @param SFC_Autoship_Model_Subscription $subscription Subscription for which to create payment profile
     * @param array $data Array of profile details from POST
     * @return SFC_AuthnetToken_Model_Cim_Payment_Profile Newly created payment profile
    protected function createNewPaymentProfile(SFC_Autoship_Model_Subscription $subscription, array $data)
        // Get helpers
        /** @var SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform $helperPlatform */
        $helperPlatform = Mage::helper('autoship/platform');

        // Get customer
        $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
        // Check the pay method
            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_BRAINTREE:
            return array(
                'payment_token' => null,
                'creditcard_last_digits' => null,

            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_SFC_CIM:
                // Create new payment profile model
                $model = Mage::getModel('sfc_cim_core/cim_payment_profile');
                // Init profile with customer defaults
                // Adjust the exp fields to the proper format
                $data['exp_date'] = $data['cc_exp_year'] . '-' . sprintf('%02d', $data['cc_exp_month']);
                // Put other fields into proper field names for savCimProfileData method
                $data['customer_cardnumber'] = $data['cc_number'];
                // If customer has selected billing address, add billing address data to new CIM profile
                if (strlen($subscription->getBillingAddressId())) {
                    $billingAddress = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($subscription->getBillingAddressId());
                // Set attributes that can be saved in our DB & Authorize.Net CIM
                try {
                    // Now try to save payment profile to CIM
                    // Save our profile model to DB
                catch (Exception $e) {
                    Mage::throwException($this->__('Failed to save credit card!'));

                // Return new model
                return array(
                    'payment_token' => $model->getData('cim_payment_profile_id'),
                    'creditcard_last_digits' => $model->getData('customer_cardnumber'),

            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_SFC_CIM_10XX:
                // Create new payment profile model
                $model = Mage::getModel('authnettoken/cim_payment_profile');
                // Init profile with customer defaults
                // Adjust the exp fields to the proper format
                $data['exp_date'] = $data['cc_exp_year'] . '-' . sprintf('%02d', $data['cc_exp_month']);
                // Put other fields into proper field names for savCimProfileData method
                $data['customer_cardnumber'] = $data['cc_number'];
                // If customer has selected billing address, add billing address data to new CIM profile
                if (strlen($subscription->getBillingAddressId())) {
                    $billingAddress = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($subscription->getBillingAddressId());
                // Set attributes that can be saved in our DB & Authorize.Net CIM
                try {
                    // Now try to save payment profile to CIM
                    // Save our profile model to DB
                catch (Exception $e) {
                    Mage::throwException($this->__('Failed to save credit card!'));

                // Return new model
                return array(
                    'payment_token' => $model->getData('cim_payment_profile_id'),
                    'creditcard_last_digits' => $model->getData('customer_cardnumber'),

            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_SUBSCRIBE_PRO_VAULT:
                // TO DO: Implement this
                // Return new details
                return array(
                    'payment_token' => 'XXXXXX',
                    'creditcard_last_digits' => 'XXXX',

            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_SFC_CYBERSOURCE:
                // Create new payment profile model
                $model = Mage::getModel('sfc_cybersource/payment_profile');
                // Init profile with customer defaults
                // Put fields into proper field names for save method
                $data['customer_cardnumber'] = $data['cc_number'];
                // If customer has selected billing address, add billing address data to new profile
                if (strlen($subscription->getBillingAddressId())) {
                    $billingAddress = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($subscription->getBillingAddressId());
                // Set attributes that can be saved in our DB & Gateway
                try {
                    // Now try to save payment profile to Gateway
                    // Save our profile model to DB
                catch (Exception $e) {
                    Mage::throwException($this->__('Failed to save credit card!'));

                // Return new model
                return array(
                    'payment_token' => $model->getData('payment_token'),
                    'creditcard_last_digits' => $model->getData('customer_cardnumber'),

            case SFC_Autoship_Helper_Platform::PAY_METHOD_CODE_PARADOX_TRANSARMOR:
                // Create payment using paradox ext
                $payment = array(
                    'firstname' => $customer->getData('firstname'),
                    'lastname' => $customer->getData('lastname'),
                    'cc_type' => $data['cc_type'],
                    'cc_type' => $data['cc_type'],
                    'cc_number' => $data['cc_number'],
                    'cc_exp_month' => $data['cc_exp_month'],
                    'cc_exp_year' => $data['cc_exp_year'],
                // If customer has selected billing address, add billing address data to new CIM profile
                if (strlen($subscription->getBillingAddressId())) {
                    $billingAddress = Mage::getModel('customer/address')->load($subscription->getBillingAddressId());
                    $payment['address1'] = $billingAddress->getStreet(1);
                    $payment['city'] = $billingAddress->getData('city');
                    $payment['state'] = $billingAddress->getData('region');
                    $payment['zip'] = $billingAddress->getData('postcode');
                    $payment['country'] = $billingAddress->getData('country_id');
                $paymentId = Mage::getModel('transarmor/payment')->createCustomerPaymentProfile( $payment, $customer );
                $paymentProfile = Mage::getModel('transarmor/payment')->getPaymentInfoById($paymentId);

                // Return new model
                return array(
                    'payment_token' => $paymentProfile->getData('trans_id'),
                    'creditcard_last_digits' => $paymentProfile->getData('last4'),


     * Save a customer address to customer address book in Magento DB
     * @param array $addressData
     * @return mixed|string
    protected function saveAddress(array $addressData)
        // Array to hold errors
        $errors = array();
        // Get customer from session
        $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer();
        /* @var $address Mage_Customer_Model_Address */
        $address = Mage::getModel('customer/address');
        /* @var $addressForm Mage_Customer_Model_Form */
        $addressForm = Mage::getModel('customer/form');
        $addressErrors = $addressForm->validateData($addressData);
        if ($addressErrors !== true) {
            $errors = $addressErrors;
        // Compact address data and set customer id
        // Validate address and collect errors
        $addressErrors = $address->validate();
        if ($addressErrors !== true && is_array($addressErrors)) {
            $errors = array_merge($errors, $addressErrors);
        // Check error count
        // If no errors, save address, otherwise return errors
        if (count($errors) === 0) {
            // Save address
            $addressId = $address->getId();

            // Now return the id of created address
            return $addressId;
        else {
            $html = '';
            foreach ($errors as $error) {
                $html .= '<li class="error">' . $this->__($error) . '</li>';

            return $html;


     * Method logs exception and outputs message for display to customer
    protected function handleAjaxException(Exception $e)
        // Log exception
        Mage::log($e->getMessage() . "\n" . $e->getTraceAsString());
        // Output error message formatted for display
        echo '<li class="error">' . $this->__($e->getMessage()) . '</li>';

     * Get customer facing error message text based on error code in Authorize.Net CIM exception
    protected function addErrorFromCimException(SFC_AuthnetToken_Helper_Cim_Exception $eCim)
        switch ($eCim->getResponse()->getMessageCode()) {
            case 'E00014':
                return $this->__('A required field was not entered for credit card!');
            case 'E00039':
                return $this->__('Credit card number is already saved in your account!');
            case 'E00042':
                return $this->__('You have already saved the maximum number of credit cards!');
                return $this->__('Failed to save credit card with gateway!');
