MySubscriptions Widget - Default Configuration (v2)
Following is the entire default configuration for the hosted MySubscriptions Widget.
You might also want to see our Detailed Configuration Reference.
"version": 2,
"apiBaseUrl": "",
"apiAccessToken": null,
"apiChangedBy": {
"admin": {
"userId": null,
"email": null,
"fullName": null
"apiFetchMaxSubscriptionsCount": 50,
"vaultEnvironmentKey": null,
"customerId": "0",
"themeName": "base",
"skuSpecificConfig": [],
"sections": {
"summary": {
"show": true,
"line1Text": "You have N active subscriptions. ",
"itemsSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"line2Text": "We'll automatically send you recurring shipments.",
"subscriptionErrorText": "There was an error displaying one or more of your items! You may be subscribed to more items than show here. Please contact customer support to make changes."
"noSubscriptions": {
"text": "You are not currently subscribed to any items."
"group": {
"useGroups": false,
"field": "",
"compareFields": []
"status": {
"showErrorIndicators": true,
"pausedText": "This item is Paused. To start receiving this item again, click Restart.",
"warning": {
"warningText": "We won't be able to process your next order because of an issue with your ISSUES.",
"replaceText": "ISSUES",
"paymentText": "Payment Method",
"shippingAddressText": "Shipping Address",
"billingAddressText": "Billing Address"
"errorText": "There was a problem with your last order.",
"softDecline": {
"softDeclineRetryText": "The subscription didn't process due to an issue with the bank transaction. We'll try again tomorrow.",
"softDeclineFailureText": "We couldn't process your order because there was a problem with the bank transaction. Please check your payment details."
"expiredCard": {
"restartText": "The subscription failed because the payment method had expired. Restart your subscription.",
"expiredText": "The subscription failed because the payment method, CARD, has expired.",
"replaceText": "CARD"
"outOfStock": {
"outOfStockText": "The subscription failed because PRODUCT is currently out of stock.",
"replaceText": "PRODUCT"
"flashMessage": {
"enabled": true,
"labelText": "Thank you, your updates have been made."
"productInfo": {
"subscriptionId": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"label": "Subscription Id"
"subscriptionDate": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"label": "Created On"
"shortDescription": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false
"productImage": {
"show": true,
"showPhone": true
"productSku": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false
"productTitle": {
"isUrl": false,
"target": "_blank",
"url": null
"editLink": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"editLinkText": "Edit",
"target": "_blank"
"price": {
"show": false,
"currency": "USD",
"fractionDigits": 0,
"discount": {
"calculateDiscount": true
"bundle": {
"recipient": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"label": "Recipient",
"UDF": "bundle_recipient"
"options": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"UDF": "bundle_options",
"labelValueDelimeter": ":"
"quantity": {
"show": true,
"allowEdit": true,
"labelText": "Qty"
"nextDate": {
"show": true,
"allowEdit": true,
"labelText": "Next Delivery",
"tomorrowButtonEnabled": true,
"tomorrowButtonLabelText": "Tomorrow",
"onBeforeUpdate": null,
"onBeforeDisplay": null,
"readOnlyDateOptions": {
"locale": "en",
"dateFormat": "LLL d, yyyy"
"datepickerOptions": {
"locale": "en",
"dateFormat": "LLL d, yyyy",
"ariaLabelledBy": null,
"excludeDates": null,
"includeDates": null,
"filterDate": null,
"minDate": null,
"maxDate": null
"allowEditInputText": true
"expirationDate": {
"show": false,
"showPhone": false,
"labelText": "Expiration Date",
"allowEdit": true,
"dateOptions": {
"locale": "en",
"dateFormat": "LLL d, yyyy"
"frequency": {
"show": true,
"allowEdit": true,
"labelText": "Send Every"
"fixedPrice": {
"show": false,
"allowEdit": true,
"editLinkText": "Change"
"actions": {
"showActions": [
"showActionsPhone": [
"actions": {
"skip": {
"type": "button",
"typePhone": "button",
"label": "Skip",
"labelPhone": "Skip Next Delivery"
"pause": {
"type": "button",
"typePhone": "button",
"label": "Pause",
"labelPhone": "Pause Delivery"
"cancel": {
"type": "link",
"typePhone": "link",
"label": "Stop",
"labelPhone": "Stop Delivery"
"restart": {
"type": "button",
"typePhone": "button",
"label": "Restart",
"labelPhone": "Restart"
"coupon": {
"show": true,
"labelText": "Coupon Code",
"labelTextNoCode": "Got a Coupon Code?"
"shipping": {
"show": true,
"showShippingMethod": false,
"labelText": "Shipping Address",
"allowEdit": true,
"editLinkText": "Change",
"selectLinkText": "Select Address"
"billing": {
"show": false,
"labelText": "Billing Address",
"allowEdit": true,
"editLinkText": "Change",
"selectLinkText": "Select Address"
"payment": {
"show": true,
"labelText": "Payment Method",
"allowEdit": true,
"editLinkText": "Change"
"expander": {
"collapsedText": "Payment & Shipping",
"collapsedTextPhone": "Show Details",
"expandedText": "Hide Details",
"expandedTextPhone": "Hide Details",
"show": true,
"showPhone": true
"modals": {
"editCoupon": {
"titleText": "Enter Coupon Code",
"labelText": {
"couponCode": "Coupon Code"
"buttonText": "Submit Coupon"
"chooseAddress": {
"titleText": "My Addresses",
"middleContent": null,
"enableAdd": true,
"enableEdit": true,
"editText": "Edit",
"addLinkText": "Add New Address",
"itemGroupText": "Use the selected address for upcoming orders of N items using the previous address",
"thisItemText": "Use the selected address for upcoming orders of this item only",
"allItemsText": "Use the selected address for orders of all N items you receive regularly",
"itemsSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"nItemsSplitText": "N items",
"thisItemSplitText": "this item",
"disableThisItem": false,
"disableItemGroup": false,
"disableAllItems": false,
"showLink": true,
"showItemName": false,
"buttonText": "Done"
"newAddress": {
"titleText": "New Address",
"contentText": "This address will be used for upcoming orders on N items",
"itemsSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"confirmButtonText": "Use this Address",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"enableCountrySelect": true,
"enableRegionSelect": true,
"isUserAddressValid": null,
"labelText": {
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"company": "Company",
"street1": "Street Address",
"street2": "Apt, suite, etc. (optional)",
"city": "City",
"region": "State",
"postcode": "Zip Code",
"country": "Country",
"phone": "Phone Number"
"defaultValues": {
"country": "",
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "",
"company": "",
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"city": "",
"region": "",
"postcode": ""
"require": {
"country": true,
"firstName": true,
"lastName": true,
"company": false,
"street1": true,
"street2": false,
"city": true,
"region": true,
"postcode": true,
"phone": false
"editAddress": {
"titleText": "Edit Address",
"contentText": "This address will be used for upcoming orders on N items",
"itemsSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"confirmButtonText": "Use this Address",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel",
"enableCountrySelect": true,
"enableRegionSelect": true,
"isUserAddressValid": null,
"labelText": {
"firstName": "First Name",
"lastName": "Last Name",
"company": "Company",
"street1": "Street Address",
"street2": "Apt, suite, etc. (optional)",
"city": "City",
"region": "State",
"postcode": "Zip Code",
"country": "Country",
"phone": "Phone Number"
"defaultValues": {
"country": "",
"firstName": "",
"company": "",
"lastName": "",
"street1": "",
"street2": "",
"city": "",
"region": "",
"postcode": ""
"require": {
"country": true,
"firstName": true,
"lastName": true,
"company": false,
"street1": true,
"street2": false,
"city": true,
"region": true,
"postcode": true,
"phone": false
"choosePaymentMethod": {
"titleText": "My Payment Methods",
"middleContent": null,
"enableAddLink": false,
"addLink": "#",
"addLinkText": "Add New Payment Method",
"itemGroupText": "Use the selected payment method for upcoming orders of N items using the previous payment method",
"thisItemText": "Use the selected payment method for upcoming orders of this item only",
"allItemsText": "Use the selected payment method for orders of all N items you receive regularly",
"itemsSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"nItemsSplitText": "N items",
"thisItemSplitText": "this item",
"disableThisItem": false,
"disableItemGroup": false,
"disableAllItems": false,
"showLink": true,
"showItemName": false,
"expiresText": "Exp. M/Y",
"buttonText": "Done"
"cancel": {
"titleText": "Stop your subscription?",
"descText": "Pause a subscription if you intend to use it again in the future, or you can remove it completely.",
"finePrintText": "Depending on the next delivery date, you may still receive your next shipment once paused or canceled.",
"showPause": true,
"showSkip": false,
"pauseText": "Pause Subscription",
"skipText": "Skip Subscription",
"cancelText": "Cancel Subscription",
"cancelReason": {
"show": false,
"cancelReasonText": "We are constantly trying to improve our products and services. Please let us know why you are cancelling your subscription.",
"cancelReasons": [
"Too expensive",
"I am going to buy in store",
"I achieved the results I want"
"showOtherReason": true,
"otherReasonText": "Other, please specify",
"cancelReasonUDF": "cancellation_reason"
"offerDiscount": {
"show": false,
"offerDiscountText": "We are sorry to see you go! We'd like to offer you N% discount on your next shipment to keep your subscription active.",
"discountSubstituteCharacter": "N",
"discountPercentage": 20,
"discountCouponCode": null,
"acceptDiscountText": "Accept Discount"
"groupItemCancel": {
"titleText": "Remove Item From Group?",
"lastItemTitleText": "Remove Item From Group?",
"descText": "PRODUCT will be permanently removed from you subscription.",
"lastItemDescText": "PRODUCT will be permanently removed from you subscription.",
"finePrintText": "Depending on the next delivery date, you may still receive your next shipment once removed.",
"cancelText": "Remove Item"
"skip": {
"titleText": "Skip next delivery?",
"contentText": "After your PRODUCT item is skipped, it will ship again on the following rotation.",
"skipDateText": "Skip X",
"nextDeliveryLabelText": "New next shipment for this item",
"confirmButtonText": "Confirm Skip",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel"
"restart": {
"titleText": "Restart Subscription",
"contentText": "Thank you for deciding to restart your subscription to PRODUCT. Please select the next order date below to restart your subscription.",
"nextDeliveryLabelText": "Next Delivery",
"confirmButtonText": "Restart",
"cancelButtonText": "Cancel"
"editFixedPrice": {
"titleText": "Enter Amount",
"buttonText": "Submit Amount",
"placeholderText": "Amount",
"errorText": "Please enter a valid amount!",
"currency": "USD",
"fractionDigits": 2
"plugins": {
"PlatinumPerformance": {
"apiServiceBaseUrl": "",
"addAnimalCallback": null