Subscribe Pro PaymentFields Widget API
The following documentation describes the Subscribe ProPaymentFields Widget API, including methods, events, and configuration options.
Accessing the PaymentFields Widget
Access the Subscribe Pro PaymentFields Widget by referencing the global PaymentFields
PaymentFields.init(config: PaymentFieldsConfig)
The Subscribe Pro PaymentFields Widget script is configured by passing a configuration object to the PaymentFields.init()
function. The configuration object has the following properties:
PaymentFieldsConfig Type
interface PaymentFieldsConfig {
apiBaseUrl?: string;
oauthApiToken?: string;
spVaultEnvironmentId: string;
paymentMethodType?: PaymentMethodType;
enableCvv?: boolean;
enableThreeDs?: boolean;
enablePrettyFormat?: boolean;
numberIframe?: {
container: string;
inputStyle?: string;
cvvIframe?: {
container: string;
inputStyle?: string;
accountIframe?: {
container: string;
inputStyle?: string;
threeDsChallengeIframe?: {
container: string;
PaymentFieldsConfig Properties
Property | Required | Type | Description |
apiBaseUrl | String | The URL of the Subscribe Pro API to use. Default: | |
oauthApiToken | String | The OAuth API token to use for authentication. This should be a customer scoped OAuth token which was fetched server-side. | |
vaultEnvironmentId | Yes | String | The ID of the Subscribe Pro Vault environment to use. This is a UUID which you should retrieve from the Subscribe Pro Commerce Platform environment you are using. This value is returned in an OAuth token response. |
paymentMethodType | String | The type of payment method to tokenize. One of: credit_card , bank_account , sepa | |
enableCvv | Boolean | Whether or not to show the CVV field. Default: true | |
enableThreeDs | Boolean | Whether or not to enable 3D Secure 2 authentication. Default: true | |
enablePrettyFormat | Boolean | Whether or not to enable pretty formatting of the card number. Default: true | |
numberIframe | Object | An object containing configuration for the card number iframe. | |
numberIframe.container | Yes | String | The ID of the <div> element in which to place the card number iframe. |
numberIframe.inputStyle | String | A string containing CSS styles to apply to the card number input element. | |
cvvIframe | Object | An object containing configuration for the CVV iframe. | |
cvvIframe.container | Yes | String | The ID of the <div> element in which to place the CVV iframe. |
cvvIframe.inputStyle | String | A string containing CSS styles to apply to the CVV input element. | |
accountIframe | Object | An object containing configuration for the bank account iframe. | |
accountIframe.container | Yes | String | The ID of the <div> element in which to place the bank account iframe. |
accountIframe.inputStyle | String | A string containing CSS styles to apply to the bank account input element. | |
threeDsChallengeIframe | Object | An object containing configuration for the 3D Secure 2 challenge iframe. | |
threeDsChallengeIframe.container | Yes | String | The ID of the <div> element in which to place the 3D Secure 2 challenge iframe. |
Unmounts the PaymentFields widget iFrames from the DOM. Call PaymentFields.init()
to re-mount the widget.
PaymentFields.on(eventName, callback)
This method allows you to register a callback function to be called when the specified event occurs.
Please see here for detail about each event type and the data returned to the event handler callback function: Subscribe Pro PaymentFields Widget Events
PaymentFields.tokenize(args: TokenizeArgs): TokenizeResult
Tokenizes the card data entered into the card number and CVV fields (or other payment data) and optionally initiates a 3D Secure 2 authentication flow.
interface TokenizeArgs {
authenticateCardholder?: boolean;
authenticationType?: AuthenticationType;
paymentDetails?: {
amount: string;
cardDetails?: {
creditcardMonth: string;
creditcardYear: string;
customerEmail?: string;
billingAddress?: {
firstName: string;
middleName?: string;
lastName: string;
street1?: string;
street2?: string;
street3?: string;
city?: string;
region?: string;
postcode?: string;
country?: string;
shippingAddress?: {
firstName: string;
middleName?: string;
lastName: string;
street1?: string;
street2?: string;
street3?: string;
city?: string;
region?: string;
postcode?: string;
country?: string;
TokenizeArgs Properties
Property | Required | Type | Description |
authenticateCardholder | Boolean | Whether or not to initiate a 3D Secure 2 authentication flow. Default: false | |
authenticationType | String | The type of 3D Secure 2 authentication to use - corresponds to whether the credit card is being collected in the context of a payment or not. One of: payment , non_payment Required if authenticateCardholder is true . | |
paymentDetails | Object | An object containing details about the payment. Required if authenticationType is payment . | |
paymentDetails.amount | Yes | String | The amount of the payment. |
cardDetails | Object | An object containing details about the credit card. Required if PaymentFields configured for credit card. | |
cardDetails.creditcardMonth | Yes | String | The month of the credit card expiration date. |
cardDetails.creditcardYear | Yes | String | The year of the credit card expiration date. |
customerEmail | String | The email address of the customer. | |
billingAddress | Object | An object containing details about the billing address for a payment and for 3D Secure 2 authentication. | |
billingAddress.firstName | Yes | String | The first name of the customer. |
billingAddress.middleName | String | The middle name of the customer. | |
billingAddress.lastName | Yes | String | The last name of the customer. |
billingAddress.street1 | String | The first line of the street address. | |
billingAddress.street2 | String | The second line of the street address. | |
billingAddress.street3 | String | The third line of the street address. | | | String | The city of the address. | |
billingAddress.region | String | The region (state, province, etc) of the address. | |
billingAddress.postcode | String | The postal code of the address. | | | String | The country of the address. | |
shippingAddress | Object | An object containing details about the shipping address for a payment and for 3D Secure 2 authentication. | |
shippingAddress.firstName | Yes | String | The first name of the customer. |
shippingAddress.middleName | String | The middle name of the customer. | |
shippingAddress.lastName | Yes | String | The last name of the customer. |
shippingAddress.street1 | String | The first line of the street address. | |
shippingAddress.street2 | String | The second line of the street address. | |
shippingAddress.street3 | String | The third line of the street address. | | | String | The city of the address. | |
shippingAddress.region | String | The region (state, province, etc) of the address. | |
shippingAddress.postcode | String | The postal code of the address. | | | String | The country of the address. |