Magento 2 Integration - Install Magento Extension

Installation via Composer

Installation via Composer You can install our Magento 2 extension using the Composer dependency management tool. The Composer website has installation instructions for Linux, OSX, and Windows.

Once Composer is installed on your Magento server, please follow these simple steps to install our extension:

  1. Set up the correct path for Composer or keep Composer within Magento root.

  2. In Magento root, run the following command. It may take a couple of minutes:

    composer require subscribepro/subscribepro-magento2-ext

    Version Compatibility Notes:

    • We currently support Magento 2.4.4+ on our latest version. See: Magento 2 Integration System Requirements
    • If you do not specify a version, Composer will pick the best extension version based on your Magento version.

    composer require subscribepro/subscribepro-magento2-ext <version>

  3. After the above is successful, run this command in Magento root. This will let Magento know about the module.

    php bin/magento module:enable Swarming_SubscribePro

  4. Run this command in Magento root. This will ensure any installer scripts we may have are executed properly and store the current data version.

    php bin/magento setup:upgrade

  5. You may need to run this command to deploy any necessary static content:

    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

  6. Run this command to compile the code:

    php bin/magento setup:di:compile

  7. Run this command to clear the Magento cache:

    php bin/magento cache:flush