Email Template Format
The format of the Subscribe Pro email templates are based on the fast, flexible and secure TWIG PHP template engine.
To edit the email templates we recommend a basic knowledge of HTML/CSS as our templates are based on these languages.
There are two basic parts you need to know about:
- the subject
- the body
Here is a example of an email template's code:
{% block subject -%} New Subscription Created {%- endblock %} {% block body -%}
<a href="{{ magentoFrontendUrl }}"
><img src="{{ storeLogoUrl }}" alt="{{ storeName }}"
<br />
Your New Subscription is Created
<br />
Hi {{ fullName }},<br />
<br />
<p>Thank you for creating your subscription.</p>
<p>Here are a few details on the subscription you created:</p>
Next Date Your Subscription Ships On:
<em>{{ subscriptionNextOrderDate|date('M d, Y') }}</em>
<br />
You receive your subscription every: {{ subscriptionInterval }}
<br />
{% if subscriptionCouponCode != '' %} Coupon Code applied to your
subscription: <em>{{ subscriptionCouponCode }}</em>
{% endif %}
<p style="font-size:12px; margin:0;color:#c6c6c6;">
Thank you,
<strong><a href="{{ magentoFrontendUrl }}">{{ storeName }}</a></strong>
{%- endblock %}
Note the open and close tags for the Subject, and the open tag for the Body (line 1):
{% block subject -%}
... {%- endblock %} {% block body -%}
As well as the closing tag for the Body line (line 33).
{%- endblock %}
DO NOT change or alter these tags, they need to stay intact.
You can make any changes you wish to the HTML/CSS between the tags within the template, adding text, content, tables and even email template variables.