Payment Orchestration

Subscribe Pro provides a robust set of payment orchestration features to help you maximize payment success rates and minimize payment declines.

Why Use Payment Orchestration?

There are many reasons a direct-to-consumer e-commerce seller might want to use payment orchestration. Here are some common use cases:

  • Multi-Region Operations: A global e-commerce seller operating in different countries, might use payment orchestration to route transactions to the most appropriate local payment gateway.

  • High Availability: A merchant might use payment orchestration to switch between multiple gateways dynamically to ensure uptime, especially during high-traffic periods.

  • Fraud Mitigation: A direct-to-consumer e-commerce seller might use orchestration to route transactions through different payment gateways that have specialized fraud detection algorithms, minimizing risk.

  • Dynamic Fee Optimization: A seller might use payment orchestration to switch between gateways based on dynamic fee structures, optimizing costs.

  • Experimentation and A/B Testing: A seller might want to test how different gateways impact conversion rates. Payment orchestration enables easy swapping and A/B testing of different payment processors.

Subscribe Pro Payment Routing Rules

Payment Routing Rules allow you to configure rules to route payments to different payment gateways based on a variety of criteria. Criteria include the payment method, card brand, the customer's country, the customer's billing address, subscription and order attributes and more. Payment Routing Rules also support attempting transactions at multiple payment gateways in a prioritized order.